Monday, November 8, 2010

meet john william...

He goes by Will. Or by willy lump-lump, as his daddy's friends affectionately named him in utero.  I'm sure you have already seen him, especially since I only have 4 followers, and most of you have been friends of mine for a while. For the rest of you, here is your formal introduction.
He's 2. He's very 2. He's hilarious, and has the most wild blue eyes and the most infectious and crazy giggle.  He's my miracle baby (I have two of those, I'll explain later.)

It was almost 3 years ago that I went to see one of the world's most wonderful and kind doctor, Dr. Stanley Prough at the Tulsa Fertility Center.  Needless to say, that moment rocked our world. In Vitro Fertilization? WHAT? That was something only seen in the movies- not in my real life, NOT at 26.  That was for women that waited until their 40's to have kids. Not me, not us. Oh, but there was a far greater plan in mind.

After bags of needles showing up at our doorstep, and after all (literally, all) of my jammie pants had blood stains on the hips from 18 weeks of progesterone shots given by amazing husband; after crying, wondering, praying, and after countless hours of listening to Carrie Underwood's "So Small" (I'm a nerd- but music is how I cope, and it has to be said, that song really applies to most situations) it was go time. We did egg harvesting and fertilization, and had to wait for what seemed like an eternity for our little ones to grow and prepare for transfer. During that time, my Nanny, my mother's mother, passed away. I was in the room when she died.  I specifically remember calling the fertility hotline to check on my embryo's moments before her last breath. It's almost like she traded spots with Will- to give him to us.  I had my transfer one day before her funeral.

Now, if you you don't know us well, both John and I have green eyes. Our whole families have green eyes. Except Nanny. Nanny had the most incredible blue eyes. Kinda like this:

Isn't that the best gift of remembrance that she could have given us? That, and he is a dancer. He's got that Barger boogie down. I'll just look over and he is patting his foot- and always right on beat. She would be so proud. Like my mom says- the kid has rhythm.

But he looks like a Coburn. More specifically, like his Papa.

Will currently hates to eat anything that isn't a cracker or that isn't bad for him.  I am NOT the bad guy that started this trend, but I must admit, I cave.  I mean, the little punk has to eat something! He has a love affair with his bee bee, and still drinks milk from a bottle most days. He's not going to take it to college, and I don't put pop in it, so back off.

You would give him a bottle too.

He loves to watch anything on TV, but also loves to draw and sing. (and dance). Hes pretty much the coolest oldest boy I have. He eats his applesauce with a rubber lizard. I mean, c'mon. That is pretty nifty.
He gives unexpected french kisses, loves Cat in the Hat, Woody, and Elmo, and Charlie and Lola.  He has a Charlie and Lola book that I read with a surprisingly decent British accent. John's accent needs serious attention. He loves cowboy boots and being outside. He's 100% boy. And he loves his little brother.

We are so thankful for him and the blessings and drama that he continually adds to our lives.

So, folks- that's Will in a nutshell.



  1. Jordan! I love this post! Yes, I have seen sweet sweet pictures of this little guy, but had NO idea what you all went through. God is great and what a sweet little blue-eyed boy He blessed you all with. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am crying like a baby. I love that little miracle guy, love you my dear dear friend, and love reading your blog.

  3. This is so fun. I'm loving it so far. :) love u too keg carr. thanks for reading. :)

  4. Wow. That was a HUGE tear jerking piece of art! Love this post. Love you. Ashley

  5. AWW I miss your babies sooo much!! Addy is sitting on my lap saying "Will! love you" and then blowing kisses at his picture! Your babies were definitely meant to be here! -tori
