Sunday, January 9, 2011

Will's First Noel

So, I have been meaning to post this for weeks now, but I kept getting sidetracked with rants about how I will not have a resolution this year and how my child is obsessed with Toy Story. This is a summary of Will's First Noel, perhaps the most memorable Christmas Pageant our church has witnessed in years. Well, maybe just since Will and Jack's daddies were little....

Every two years, our church does a production of the first Christmas. I remember being in this, and I remember what an honor it was to be cast as the angel Gabriel. However, I don't remember being a lamb.  Maybe it is because I was 2. After the first practice, I determined that my child didn't really need to practice (he's a natural star) , so we would just show up the day of the big production.  He is 2, and he is going to do whatever he wants, and he is not going to stand still for anyone, let alone a woman that he doesn't really know.  The day of the big show he was not feeling well, and was very grumpy.  He's a happy child, so I thought that it would pass, and he would put his costume on as soon as he saw cousin Jack participating.  Wrong.
Not happy about white sweatshirt.
So eventually W got dressed but refused to participate.  We sat in the front row thought that once he saw all the kids sitting with their assigned flock, that he would eventually participate.  The show started, and even the presence of cousin Jack wasn't attractive enough to persuade W to join his flock.
laying in the front of the sanctuary debating his debut...
Slowly, W inched his way to the action.  Now, here is where I admit that he was a bit of a distraction, and that I should have been a 'good mother' and retrieved him and left the building. However, I am just a normal mother, and I thought that if he wanted to participate- inch by inch, or whole heartedly- that it was his right to do so.
Finally joining his flock.

The next events can only be described through video.  I'm not yet smart enough to edit this ad I'm not sure it will show up, so if it does you will have to suffer through my family singing (not me singing. I SWEAR) and John's terrible filming skills. 

That was our first noel.  I have a feeling that Will and Jack will crack us up for the rest of our lives. 

To the lady that was behind me and pushed me out of the way to get a picture, shame on you.  To the rest of the audience, either I am sorry that my child and nephew were completely distracting, or your welcome for them making you laugh.  It has been noted to include more shepherds next time.

It is snowing in our small town, and as I type this I am watching Sarah Palin's Alaska ( and jealous of my friend's Julie and Keli, Alaska's newest transplants from OSU) and watching the fire.  I have to admit that I am wearing a maternity sweatshirt and maternity leggings. I am cozy rosy, and I plan on wearing these clothes as long as I want. 


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