Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm really not an adult. It's a costume.

Do u find that when you grow up and have to do things you really don't want to do, that you still don't really want to do them? I don't really want to be at the dr's office right now. At all. I know it's what's best for me,whatever, but right now I want to cross my arms and collapse on the ground like Will does. I just wouldn't have anyone to drag me out while brilliantly keeping my shoulder in it's socket. (I have that gift).

It's like a couple of weeks ago when John made me go somewhere I really didn't want to go. HE didn't even go, but preached to me about how I should, so I went, against my will. I should have collapsed then too.

Just a small thought I had while sitting in the waiting room. Oh, and there is a girl in here with athletic socks and scotch plaid heels on. It's never that cold, honey.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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